Eaglecrest Kindergarten Kiddos
- Literacy: This month we will discuss concepts of print, which are beginning reading skills. We will talk about how we read, where we start to read and the differences between words, letters, and sentences. We will also begin our unit on Nursery Rhymes.
- Word Wall Words: This month our words are “I, like, to, see”. Use the attached word wall flashcards to practice your words until you can read them easily and quickly. Please keep your flashcards in your homework box so you can use them through out the year.
- Writing: The kids will learn correct letter formation for the alphabet letters both uppercase and lowercase. Please help us at home by encouraging correct pencil grip and formation. We will spend time on writing our names using these skills. Students will also be instructed on writing expectations. These include noise level, where to get supplies, how to ask for assistance, and what we can write about.
- Phonics: By the end of the month we expect each child to know at least 25 out of the 104 letters and sounds. 104 letters and sounds comes from the 26 uppercase letters and the sounds they make which is 52 total and the 26 lowercase letters and the sounds for each which is 52. Upper and lower together comes to 104 letters and sounds. The sooner your child masters all letters and sounds, the sooner they can begin concentrating on their reading skills.
- For our author study we will be looking at Rosemary Wells books. She has some fun books on starting school.
This month in math we will learn about our math routines and expectations. We will talk about ways to sort and classify items as well. If your child struggles with counting please help them count to 25 for next month.
Our Core Themes this month include:- I Like School
- Mother Goose
- US flag
Important Dates to Remember:- Wednesday Sept 28th – Book Orders due online. Please see the attached form for online ordering instructions.
- Monday Sept. 26th – This is our first minimal day. Please make sure to check the times for school that day. They are different from a traditional Monday schedule. AM: 9:10 – 11:10 and PM 11:45 – 1:45.
Show and TellWe will do show and tell on alternating Mondays. I would like to encourage the children to bring the following items:Monday 12: Show your cool new school back pack.Monday 26: Bring something to display in our Mother Goose Museum. (i.e. a pail, from Jack and Jill, a spider from little Miss Muffet) These will be displayed in the classroom for the week.